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XLD Agar (Dehydrated), Each



Isolate Salmonella and Shigella from clinical specimens and foods with selective Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ XLD Agar (Dehydrated). The medium relies on xylose fermentation, lysine decarboxylation and production of hydrogen sulphide for the primary differentiation of shigellae and salmonellae from non-pathogenic bacteria. The careful addition of sodium desoxycholate inhibits the growth of coliforms without decreasing the ability to support shigellae and salmonellae.Salmonella and Shigella are major causes of bacterial enteric illness with transmission occurring via the fecal-oral route, person-to-person contact, or by the ingestion of contaminated food or water.Use XLD Medium for the screening of samples containing mixed flora suspected of harboring enteric pathogens, e.g., medical specimens or food products.Easy-to-read: easily differentiate Salmonella (red colonies with black centers) from Shigella (red colonies) and other coliforms (yellow, opaque colonies).Superior sensitivity and selectivity: exceeds that of the traditional plating media e.g., Eosin Methylene Blue and Bismuth Sulphite Agars, which tend to suppress the growth of shigellae.Not all products are available for sale in all territories. Please inquire.Remel™ and Oxoid™ products are now part of the Thermo Scientific brand.This product(s) resides on a Fisher Scientific GSA or VA contract. If you are viewing this page as a nonregistered user, the price(s) displayed is List Price. To view your GSA or VA contract pricing, log in using your account number, or become a registered user by contacting one of our Customer Service teams. You can also view your contract price by searching for this item(s) on GSA Advantage. To place an order, contact Fisher Scientific Customer Service.

Additional Information

SKU 1317994
UOM Each
UNSPSC 41115800
Manufacturer Part Number CM0469B