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Horizontal Electrophoresis Systems, Choose from four systems, Each



Choose from Minigel, Midigel, Large Gel or Wide-Format System.Minigel SystemIdeal for quick screeningUses 7 × 10cm gel tray with two comb positions Runs up to 16 samples on one gel with combs supplied Can run up to 24 samples on a gel with accessory combsProvides easy, leak-free casting without tape, grease or seals Midigel SystemsAvailable with proprietary buffer recirculation method which prevents buffer's ionic depletion on long gel runs, keeps ionic gradients from distorting results when multiple sample series are run simultaneously and prevents pH changes that can cause problems in RNA gelsProvide leak-free gel casting in 13 × 16cm gel tray with two comb positionsRun up to 32 samples on one gel with combs supplied or up to 48 samples with accessory combs Large Gel SystemsImprove resolution in Northern and Southern blotting of large gels and multiple samplesAvailable with same self-contained buffer recirculation method as Midigel System (FB-SBR-1316)Provide leak-free casting in a 20 × 25cm gel tray with six comb positionsRun up to 36 samples per comb position with supplied combsPermit up to four sets of samples to be run equal distances on the same gelAllow shorter gels to be poured when used with accessory wall comb May also be used with programmable power inverter for field inversion electrophoresisInclude a three-point leveling platform Wide-Format SystemPermits leak-free casting in an 18 × 23cm gel trayRuns 25 to 250 samples simultaneously on one gelProduces clear, tight banding patterns with no “smiling” May be used with included microwell-format combs and a multichannel pipetter to load samples directly from a 96-well plate for faster loading and reduced errorThis product(s) resides on a Fisher Scientific GSA or VA contract. If you are viewing this page as a nonregistered user, the price(s) displayed is List Price. To view your GSA or VA contract pricing, log in using your account number, or become a registered user by contacting one of our Customer Service teams. You can also view your contract price by searching for this item(s) on GSA Advantage. To place an order, contact Fisher Scientific Customer Service.

Additional Information

SKU 1298199
UOM Each
UNSPSC 41105340
Manufacturer Part Number FB-SB-1316