$ 453.60
Over 40 componentsUse to teach 15 different Heat activitiesIncludes Activity Guides with Student worksheetsPacked in Aluminum case with foam cut outsActivities CoveredPsychrometryThe Hot Tea Problem: Newton's Law of CoolingSpecific Heat of Several MetalsSpecific Heat of WaterExpansion of WaterHeat of FusionLinear Expansion of a SolidPhase Transitions and Cooling CurvesHeat Conduction in a RodConvective Heat TransferPulse GlassExpansion of GasExpansion of LiquidThe ThermocoupleThe ThermostatIncludes:Beaker 500ml 1, Beaker 250ml 1, Beaker 100ml 1, Cylinder graduated 100ml 1, Centrifuge tube 100ml 1, Filtering flask, with side tube, 500ml 1, U-shaped glass tube 1, Thermal insulation jacket 1, U-shaped rods, Aluminum 3, U-shaped rods, Brass 3, U-shaped rods, Stainless Steel 3, Pulse glass 1, Glass tube 1, Stand 1, Plastic head with knobs 3, Thermocouple 1, Silicon tubing 1, Extension clamp with rod 2, Alcohol thermometer - 10 to 110 0C, 2, Rubber stopper for Filtering flask, Solid 1, Rubber stopper for Filtering flask, one hole 1, Gas burner tubing 1, Bimetallic strip 1, Digital multimeter 1, Calorimeter cup with lid 1, Banana plug cord 2, Silicone grease 1, Paraffin block 4, Stainless Steel and Aluminum cylinders for linear thermal expansion 2, Retort Ring 1, Specific heat cylinders - iron, brass, lead & cu 4, Wire mesh 1, Bunsen burner 1, Tripod stand for Bunsen burner 1, Micrometer dial gauge range, 0-10mm, sensitivity 0.01mm 1, Food color 1