$ 2,617.65
Assembly complete with panel mounted single service fixture (Needle Valve supplied), keyed quick connect, and pug hose. Note: Cold water is supplied with ball valveCorrugated gas appliance connector with stainless steel keyed quick connect is supplied for natural gasSupplied with 1.2m (4 ft.) of service lines above table heightEpoxy coated fixturesFixtures may not be exactly as shownOnly plug and body quick connects of the same color will couple and allow flowParts are shipped looseOrder DestinationsZone 1 (Use CC suffix): Montana (Eastern), Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, WyomingZone 2 (Use WJ suffix): Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, WisconsinZone 3 (Use SL suffix): Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, TennesseeZone 4 (Use NE suffix): Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West VirginiaZone 5 (Use DT suffix): MichiganZone 6 (Previous CF suffix): Moved to Zone 9Zone 7 (Use MGC suffix): Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, TexasZone 8 (Use S suffix): New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania (Eastern)Zone 9 (Use SV suffix): Michigan, New York State (Upper), Ohio, Pennsylvania (Western)Zone 10 (Use SB suffix): Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana (Western), Nevada, Oregon, Utah, WashingtonOrder InfoWhen ordering, be sure to select items with the letter code suffix that matches the state that items are to be DELIVERED to.